Is your living room now functioning as your gym? Yoga studio? Spin class? Navigating the newfound reality of working out from the confines of your home can be challenging—yet as we know, keeping our minds and bodies active is more important than ever. I’m rounding up some of my favourite workout tips and PB indoor sweat-starters to keep you on track and thriving from home. Here are a few tips before you get started:
1. Plan
Before you get started, plan your workout or review your class. As an excel nerd, I’ve started a spreadsheet to plan out my week and track my workouts to keep me committed and organized.
2. Pre-Workout Prep
Schedule a time, lay out your workout clothes, eat your pre-workout snack and find an activity for your children (we’ve listed some great tips for keeping your kids busy here). Preparing as you normally would is crucial to get into the right mindset and limit distractions.
3. Playlist
Having a rad playlist ready to go will keep you motivated and hustling your hardest! Create your own playlist on Spotify or search up your favourite studio or fitness instructor—many have playlists that are open to the public. To get you started, I've created a workout playlist here!
4. Equipment
Mixing in different equipment can keep things exciting and new! I purchased some resistance bands on Amazon and light weights and a kettle bell from Canadian Tire (both deliver to my doorstep!) in a few days.
5. Enjoy it!
The key is finding an at-home workout that you actually ENJOY. Everyone likes different workouts and is at different levels, so find something that works for you—whether it’s yoga, HITT or a Jane Fonda aerobics dance video, no judgment here!
PB Team's Favorite Workout Round-up
Jane, Marketing Manager (That's Me!)
I get bored really easily in my workouts, so I've been mixing things up! Some days I will opt for an outdoor run, The Class by Taryn Toomey or stick to a weighted HIIT circuit. Many of my favourite studios are also offering live, at-home workouts where you can interact with other members. It’s a great way to stay connected and to push yourself at home. Some of my local favourites are Hive Fit Co’s Hub, The Projct Strong Community and Barre Belle.
Justine, Co-founder
“My favourite at-home workouts are Heather Roberston’s HIIT and weighted Youtube workouts. I love it because 1. She doesn't make it all about herself (like some exercise influencers—looking at you Tone it Up!). 2. She has great variety in her workouts—you can search by muscle group, duration or available equipment. 3. She previews the next move for a few seconds so you can start on time with her. She’s offering a free 12-week workout plan to get started with if you’re looking for a challenge to fill the next few months!”
Kalie, Designer and Developer
“I love Popsugar's workout videos because there’s a large variety of workouts to try based on your mood or energy level. They feature some of the best personal trainers around the world and most videos are about 30 minutes. While working from home, I can fit in a workout at any time and get my blood pumping on my lunch break!”
Kendall, Co-founder
“I like a training plan with workouts mapped out for the week. It costs $20 USD per month, but I'm really liking Sweat with Kayla Itsines. Right now, I'm following the 4-week postnatal program. For a free option, my fav local studio just launched OrangeTheory at Home for daily 30-min workouts.”
Kali, Communications Strategist & Storyteller
“I’ve been following Yard Athletic’s Dumbell and Bodyweight program (Vancouver-based). It's a paid program but you can get 3 days free and their Instagram account has additional free resources! It's a 60-minute full-body workout with guided videos to highlight form and technique—and all you need is a set of dumbells (or a couple bottles of wine!)
Michelle, Customer Care & Operations Manager
“I love Barry's Bootcamp, so when they temporarily closed, I started taking their online classes. To mix things up, I’ve also been joining live Metta Yoga classes and running outside—at a safe distance of course!”