Who’s walking around in Poppy Barley shoes? Here, we spend 5 minutes with our customers to find out who they are and what they do.
Name: Adina Porter Occupation: Television and Film Actress Home: New York and L.A. I Own: Poppy Barley's Highline Boot in Black (you can watch her wearing them on the red carpet at the American Music Awards here and here!), and Blue Jean Baby Classic Ankle Bootie Describe your typical work day. That's what I love about my work--it is so very fluent. I could get a call and have an audition the next day where I could be anything from a judge in a TV courtroom drama or a drug addict in a feature movie.What does your perfect weekend look like? My dream weekends are ones where we have a few children's birthday parties to attend--my kids have fun and then are tired out, so going to sleep at bedtime is easy for the Au Pair and I get to go to an adult dinner party. Or, the party is an all day affair at a friend's mansion. The kids eventually fall asleep and the adults can share good wine and conversation. There's enough beds to crash once you get tired enough.
Describe your journey as an actress. I feel very blessed to make a living doing what I love. I have been able to experience so much as an actor. I've worked in theater back home in New York and I have been able to play so many different parts in movies and television shows. I'm proud that I continue to get up when I get knocked down--when I don't get a role, or when the show that I'm doing is not well received.
What are three career highlights? I guess the highlights so far with my career are when I won an Obie for playing the Hottentot in Susan Lori Park's Venus. I very much enjoyed the rollercoaster ride I got to experience as Lettie Mae Thornton on True Blood. And I'm loving finding the balance between being a fierce warrior, yet a human being as Indra on The 100, which is what brings me to Vancouver.
What's one thing you miss most about being on the set of True Blood? Its a corny answer, but the thing I will miss most about being on the set of True Blood is the people. That cast and crew were together for 7 years. I'll miss the people. And when you are on an HBO hit, the parties they throw are epic!
If you could host a dinner party with anyone--dead or alive--who would be on the guest list? What would you cook for them? I would make some dish stew like Gumbo, or the Sierra Leonion equivalent, Jela Rice. I would invite folks I could learn from, like Harriet Tubman and Sammy Davis Jr. And I would like to visit with Angelina Jolie again. We worked together years ago in Gia.
Any last thoughts on your Poppy Barleys? They are comfortable and sexy.