The Black Friday Fund
The Black Friday Fund
Donated To:
To Fund:
Hit hard by job losses and the pandemic’s effect on schooling and child care, Canadian women, girls and gender-diverse people face a short-term crisis with long-term repercussions.
In Canada, $100 billion is the economic lift of women participating in the labour market equally to men.
We will be donating 100% of proceeds, up to $10,000, to fund the work of the YWCA Edmonton & YWCA Calgary on women’s equality in the COVID-19 recovery.
Shelters, childcare, counselling, employment training, youth programs and advocacy: a powerful voice for equity that has been leading social change and progress for women and families in Alberta since 1907.
Shop for Good
YWCA is the largest and longest-serving women’s organization in Alberta. Since 1907, we have been supporting women and girls in communities throughout the province, working to build a safe and equitable world for all.