José, Maria Antonia and their son Sebastian meticulously craft these bags in their factory.
In 1989, the family left Spain for Mexico in search of a better life. Making handbags in their kitchen, they invested $2,000 to buy a leather-cutting table, a used sewing machine and sheepskin hides. Now the factory is one of the top handbag factories in Mexico.
Since 2015, we’ve worked together. Almost a decade later, we’re still inspired by their resilience, honesty, risk-taking, and commitment to putting their values above all else.
José, Maria Antonia and their son Sebastian meticulously craft these bags in their factory.
In 1989, the family left Spain for Mexico in search of a better life. Making handbags in their kitchen, they invested $2,000 to buy a leather-cutting table, a used sewing machine and sheepskin hides. Now the factory is one of the top handbag factories in Mexico.
Since 2015, we’ve worked together. Almost a decade later, we’re still inspired by their resilience, honesty, risk-taking, and commitment to putting their values above all else.