Progress, not perfection. We live by these words at Poppy Barley. Perfection is paralyzing; progress is encouraging. Perfection reinforces the status quo while progress takes us forward. When it comes to the fashion industry, we need progress. Collectively, we need to change how we make, buy and dispose of products.Prior to founding Poppy Barley, Justine’s career path was deeply rooted in social causes: homelessness, justice systems, and affordable housing. She was going to change the world by working in government and not-for-profit organizations. Together, we started Poppy Barley to solve the problem of finding boots that fit. Six years later, we know designing great fitting shoes is only part of Poppy Barley’s mission—what drives us on a daily basis is the footwear industry needing to change. Our goal is to create beautiful products we feel really good about. Factory workers require better working conditions. Tanneries must use fewer chemicals and leave behind clean water. Packaging needs to be reduced. More sustainable material options need to be introduced. Improving the footwear industry requires a million tiny steps. We’re committed to making progress. Every year, we release a Sustainability Report where we publicly share our goals.
Progress, Not Perfection
3-minute read