I have (distant) memories of the twice yearly trek to a children's shoe store in west Edmonton, getting fitted for the only shoes seemingly available for narrow feet. They were sensible black velvet mary-janes, with a sweet gold clasp. Always the same, season after season, year after year. I'm sure they were cute, but because they were my ONLY choice, I wasn't a fan. My mom and the shop owner tried their best, but I always wound up walking out of the store with those cursed velvet mary-janes. Again and again. Truthfully, I'm not ungrateful, because I now have a penchant for properly fitting footwear, developed from years of proper fittings and a deep understanding that not every shoe fits every kid (or woman!). But just once, I would have liked the cool-kid shoes growing up. I wanted a variety of shoe styles for narrow feet.Narrow feet, skinny calves. For as long as I can remember, finding well-fitting footwear has been problematic. Sigh.