You might know Poppy Perks as our loyalty program. But to all of us at Poppy Barley, Poppy Perks Members are a group of incredible people we get to celebrate. It is a reminder to put our community at the centre of our focus, and to recognize that we are not Poppy Barley without this robust and growing group.
Each member of our community has a story. Many of them have a relationship with our team. In celebration of Poppy Perks Month, we asked some of our Poppy Perks Members a few questions about what Poppy Barley means to them.
Becca R.

Q: What is your earliest memory of Poppy Barley?
A: I remember meeting Kendall at Lululemon Whyte Avenue–we couldn’t figure out why someone was running on the spot in the fitting rooms, but this was Kendall’s way of testing if the running gear would suit her. My mom had recently told me about a new local shoe company that she had read about in the paper and everything clicked–I bought my first pair of fitted boots, the La Hacienda in Cognac, in 2015 and have continued to expand my collection since.

Q: What is your favourite product to date?
A: This is a tough question–but it would have to be my Toffee Backpack (it has been my unfailing work travel companion for over 4 years) or an early pair of the oxfords: I think they were called the Flat Oxford (Black/Snakeskin) that I bought on a whim at my first warehouse sale in 2017. At the time I thought they were a little too edgy with the print + pointed toe, but they are timeless and still maintain top rotation in my outfits.
Q: What’s next on your wishlist and why?
A: I’ve been evaluating what is missing in my collection - and realized most of my shoes are animal prints (snakeskin, python, cheetah, croc) or different shades of brown – I’m missing a pair of basic black flats, so the Glove Fit Flat in Black has my eye!
Q: What is the best thing you’ve done in your Poppy Barleys?
A: They are such a constant in my life–between my accessories or shoes, I always have some Poppy Barley with me. I love to travel with my collection, including trips to Paris and New York with my mom, or the Philippines and Mexico with my partner, Aaron. I remember climbing the Eiffel Tower in my Flat Oxfords when it was raining - there wasn’t a soul on the front lawn (Champs de Mars) and it was a magical experience.