Some people despise New Year’s resolutions. Justine and I love them. We enjoy taking time to reflect on the previous year and setting new intentions for the upcoming year. A new year is an opportunity to take the next big step. It’s about building on the foundation of the previous year, and challenging ourselves to go further.
Last year, we set more specific goals (of which, we both only accomplished 1 of 4: Justine can now touch her toes--with a little warm-up--and I managed to find more time to
read). But honestly, we are always working towards big goals, so it feels like a bit of a cop out to roll them under "New Year’s Resolutions". For 2014 and beyond, we want to set intentions to live better. Take a read below to find out how...
Kendall's 2014
Have More Fun: In 2013, I was extremely focused on
building Poppy Barley and
working out (running/yoga/weights are essential to calming my mind and stimulating creativity). I worked everyday. Recently, while speaking to a group of U of Alberta business students, they asked about what lessons they should take away from university. I answered with this: “At University, you master the ability to study really hard and still drink beer.” While this isn’t necessarily the balance I strive for in my life now, I do believe that sometimes the best thing we can do is to go have fun (aka: drink beer). This year and years after, I will focus on having more fun in the moment and sometimes put aside my never-ending lists of things to accomplish. I will spend more time with friends–drinking wine, indulging in dinners, weekends skiing, etc.–and I truly believe I’ll be more productive, creative and ambitious with an added dose of fun.
Travel to Expand: I travelled a lot in 2013–Hawaii, Portland, Mexico, Boston, Vancouver (and way more places!)–but I didn’t go anywhere mind exploding. In the near future, I see myself going far away to places where culture, language and people challenge me to understand the world differently. (Pictured above, me in Cappadocia, Turkey.)
Build More Community: Individual ambition, creativity and accomplishments continue to inspire me, but
a community creating something together feels way more powerful. I am asking where I can involve myself more to give back, encourage change and create community. - Kendall
Justine's 2014

Be a more thoughtful and gracious person: Neither are strengths of mine, but both are traits I really admire in others.
DO more: Like Kendall, the past two years have been
a blur of a lot of Poppy Barley with many things--like my friends, hobbies and community involvement--taking a back seat. I do think it's fair and expected that
having your own business will demand more of you and you need to give, especially in these very early years, but you can't lose sight of the life you want to have. So, I'm going to start re-introducing more of my life outside of work. (On that topic,
hear from Kickpoint's Dana DiTamaso on learning to work less as an entrepreneur.)
Take more pictures: This sounds ridiculous, except that I never take pictures (I have a total of three photos from my
honeymoon, all on my iPhone) and I know Old Lady Justine will regret this (the above photo of me was one we found--after much searching--from a
Startup Edmonton BBQ last summer).
Expand on last year's "touching my toes" resolution: I want to be more flexible and strong overall. As a runner who, for years, did little else, I'm now a mess of unbalanced and tight muscles, making me injury prone (with an unattractive future as a very stooped old person). I am going to work very hard to become more
balanced. - Justine